Jumptech Direct API - Creating a Jumptech Project

A high level overview of how to use the Jumptech API to create a new Jumptech project

Technical Resources

Jumptech API Swagger Document: http://external.api.jumptech.co.uk


  • Jumptech API key and integration name (contact Support or your Technical Account Manager)


To create a new project in Jumptech you will POST a JSON formatted payload to a url that contains your API key and integration name.

For example:


The JSON payload should contain the relevant fields required to create the project.

Each Jumptech project type has a minimum set of fields that are required to create a project.
For example, a Domestic EV Installation project requires the following fields as a minimum:
  • Project Type
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email
Example payload:
  "projectType": "Domestic EV Installation",
  "firstName": "Testy",
  "lastName": "Testington",
"email": "testy@test.com",
"phoneNumber": "0123456789"

Other Jumptech project types may require different fields as a minimum. Contact Support or your Technical Account Manager for details

A successful API call will return a status code 200 along with the Project ID that has been created. For example:

"status": 200,
"body": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"headers": null

Additional Features

The newProject end point also allows you to do the following at project creation:

  • Send a Jumptech Relay SMS
    "initialAction": "SendRelaySMS"
  • Delegate the project to another Jumptech tenant
    "delegate": "demo"