Jumptech Direct API - Updating a Jumptech Project

A high level overview of how to use the Jumptech API to update an existing Jumptech project

Technical Resources

Jumptech API Swagger Document: http://external.api.jumptech.co.uk


  • Jumptech API key (contact Support or your Technical Account Manager)
  • Project ID of the Jumptech project you are updating


To update an existing project in Jumptech you will POST a JSON formatted payload to a url that contains your API key and project ID.

For example:


Replace PROJECT-ID-HERE with the Jumptech project ID of the project you want to update.

Example project ID: 7d733b90-a506-4d91-8c78-74c3b3be188f

Update data fields

Submit a JSON payload to the /projects/updateProject endpoint

Example JSON payload to update the phoneNumber of a project:
"phoneNumber": "0123456789"

A successful API call will return a status code 200 along with the Project ID in the "body". For example:

"statusCode": 200,
"body": "\"7d733b90-a506-4d91-8c78-74c3b3be188f\"",
"headers": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true"

Delegate to another Jumptech Tenant

You can use the /projects/updateProject end point to delegate a project to another Jumptech tenant.

You can only delegate to other Jumptech tenants if they have been setup by your TAM or Jumptech Support.

Submit a JSON payload to the /projects/updateProject endpoint

Example JSON payload to delegate a project to a direct tenant called demo:
 "delegate": "demo"

To delegate a project to a sub-tenant you will need to know the sub-tenant ID. To obtain the sub-tenant ID please contact Jumptech Support.

Example JSON payload to delegate a project to a sub-tenant:

"subTenantId": "935ebf1c-24e9-46ad-bba2-f50a19ab12d7"

A successful API call will return a status code 200 along with the Project ID in the "body". For example:

"statusCode": 200,
"body": "\"7d733b90-a506-4d91-8c78-74c3b3be188f\"",
"headers": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true"

Add a new note to a project

You can use the /projects/updateProject end point to add a note to a project.

Example JSON payload to add a new note:

"notes": [
"note": "This is a new note!"

Update an existing note in a project

You can use the /projects/updateProject end point to update an existing note in a project.

You need to know the existing note ID to be able to update it.

Example JSON payload to add a new note:

"notes": [
"id": "7d733b90-a506-4d91-8c78-74c3b3be188f",
"note": "I have updated this note!"