Contact Logging

Pathway users can log a contact attempt to a customer, for example a phone call to confirm the Installation date and time with a follow up email.

How to log & view a contact attempt

  1. Within a project, click the "Log contact attempt" button in the Actions box
  2. Enter the contact attempt in terms of communication method, outcome and any additional notes - click Submit
  3. You will see a green confirmation message in the bottom right of the screen
  4. This will record the contact attempt in the activity log, as shown:

Please note, once a contact attempt log has been submitted, it cannot be edited.

Filtering by contact attempts

  1. On the main projects screen, you will see a filter labelled "Contact attempts"
  2. Select from the dropdown which you wish to view, i.e. projects with 3+ contact attempts
  3. This will filter the projects accordingly!